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03/04/23: Puerto Morelos beaches free of sargassum as town prepares for Easter crowd

Puerto Morelos, Q.R. — The mayor of Puerto Morelos says they are ready for the arrival of thousands for the holidays. She says the directorates of Public Services and Zofemat continue to work every day to remove sargassum from beaches.

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Leonel Salazar Trejo, head of Public Services, said with the Easter holidays, sargassum cleaning begins at 4:00 a.m. with two sweepers and two tractors in addition to the 40 people to manually remove the piled sargassum from the beaches.

“We will be receiving a large influx of vacationers on our public beaches and we are prioritizing leaving them clear of seaweed in the 1.8 kilometers that corresponds to us for the safe enjoyment of all people,” said the municipal official.

He also highlighted that Puerto Morelos is a favorite destination for vacationers due to the conservation of its beaches, since two, Ventana al Mar and Playa Sol, are Blue Flag certified.

Leonel Salazar pointed out that there has been a moderate to low landing of the macroalgae in recent days, which has seen them removing approximately 50 tons per day.

“We know that this phenomenon is here to stay and we are working with the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of Ecology and Environment (SEMA) of the State on strategies to create the least impact such as the next placement of the barriers to continue protecting our beaches,” he said.

Puerto Morelos Mayor, Blanca Merari Tziu Muñoz, says the municipality is ready.

“We are ready for our visitors to fall in love with Puerto Morelos so that each day they spend in this unique destination in the Mexican Caribbean is something unforgettable.

“The natural wealth that we have, such as the largest reef on the continent and the second largest on the planet, which is located off our coasts, and the emblematic Ruta de los Cenotes, are part of the attractions that we have promoted in each of the tourist fairs that we attend,” she said.




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