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AA 11/10/13: 100 intellectuals mark '100 days of embarrassment in Egypt'

One hundred Turkish intellectuals signed Friday a text '100 days of embarrassment in Egypt' which was prepared to mark the 100th day of the coup d'etat by R4bia platform.

ISTANBUL (AA) - One hundred Turkish intellectuals signed Friday a text, '100 days of embarrassment in Egypt', which was prepared to mark the 100th day of the coup d'etat by the R4bia platform.

Hundreds of member groups of the R4bia Platform from around the world prepared to organize worldwide demonstrations to mark the 100th day of the military coup in Egypt, including petition for an anti-coup text.

'100 days of embarrassment in Egypt' reminded that Egypt's first democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the military on July 3 after mass protests against his presidency.

Members of the platform in Turkey and across the world had aimed to write letters to world leaders and organize various events including photograph exhibitions, protests, and newspaper advertisements on October 11 to mark the hundredth day of the July 3 military coup.

"Whole world could not even spell the coup against democracy as it is and remained silent. Those who did the coup were encouraged by the silent-remained and opened fire on the civilians. In the massacre, thousands of victims died, where tanks, armoured vehicles and heavy weapons were used. Amount of dead and wounded are still not known exactly," stated the text.

The text also stated that media was under pressure in Egypt and stressed injustice against one society is a threat to whole humanity.

Calling everybody to act against coup, coup plots, lawlessness, injustice and each movement which intends the human life, the text underlined their strong position would stay the same against any kind of action, threatening human life.

General Coordinator of the Rabaa Platform Cihangir Isbilir and Abdurrahman Dilipak, the platform's spokesperson and ninety eight other Turkish intellectuals, including Ali Bulac, Asli Aydintasbas and Ibrahim Karagul, Cemil Tokpinar, Markar Esayan, Elif Cakir, Iskender Pala, Hasmet Babaoglu, Hilal Kaplan, Ibrahim Tenekeci, Nihal Bengisu Karaca, Omer Lekesiz, Oral Calislar, Resat Petek, Salih Tuna, Sami Ozey, Selahattin Yusuf and Yildiray Ogur signed '100 days of embarrassment in Egypt'.

The Platform, which includes non-governmental organizations, youth organizations and student associations, has expressed its determination to mark the hundred days of the coup, and the massacre which Egyptian security forces committed to disperse thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators following the military coup.

Members of the platform in Turkey and across the world will write letters to world leaders and organize various events including photograph exhibitions, protests, and newspaper advertisements on October 11 to mark the hundredth day of the July 3 military coup. Egypt's first democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the military on July 3 after mass protests against his presidency.

Following the military coup, pro-democracy protestors staged sit-ins at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square and Giza's Nahda Square before security forces dispersed the demonstrations on August 14, killing 638 people.

The platform will organize events on November 22 as well to mark the hundred days after massacre.

The Rabaa symbol turned into a platform when the symbol became known worldwide after Egyptian security forces forcefully and brutally dispersed two sit-ins. The platform was founded on September 16 and announced their Turkish, Arabic, and English websites. The platform is supported by NGOs, foundations, associations in Turkey and around the world.

- Whole declaration of '100 days of embarrassment in Egypt'

On July 3, 2013, in Egypt, a military coup took place against democratically elected government and President.

Democracy, fair election and democratic right to vote, which have been expected by Egyptian people for years, was suspended by using force even without completing a period of one year. The world was even unable to call the military coup against democracy “coup” and kept silence.

Perpetrators of coup d’état was encouraged by the silence of the world and they fired on civilian people. In the massacre where tanks, armored vehicles and heavy weapons were used, thousands of innocent civilian lost their lives. The number of death toll and wounded is still not known exactly.

The world was again silent about the civilian massacre on live coverage of global televisions. Pro-coup mindset did not stop there, made a second move, arrested thousands illegally and put in jails with inhuman and cruel conditions. Freedom and Justice Party founded by Muslim Brotherhood Organization is banned, leaders were arrested, and the properties were seized.

Enormous pressure was put on Egyptian media and pro-coup representatives were appointed to managements for each and every media institutions and news and stories with complete fabrications were broadcasted. International televisions and newspapers were shut down, the employees are arrested and the freedom of the press was destroyed completely.

Today is hundredth day of the military coup against democracy in Egypt.

For hundred days, in Egypt which has the ancient and the most powerful civilization in the world history, pro-coup military has been trying to control the country in an arbitrary and inhuman rule incompatible with law, human rights, justice and conscience.

For hundred days, Egyptian people have been living in fear and concern of martial law implementations and militarism rules.

For hundred days, western countries, western intellectuals, western journalists watch silently the killings of democracy and civilians in Egypt.

An injustice done to a particular society is a threat to humanity.

We who have following signatures;

Invite every human with conscience to be in opposition to and condemn military coup, perpetrators of coup, illegality, injustice and any kind of action against human life.

We announce that we are against, in opposition to and condemn any society and action against will of nation regardless its religion, belief, nationality, sect, country and ideology.

We want for all, without any discrimination, “A New World” which is fair, free, peaceful and respectful to beliefs.

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