Solemarans are products created by a Warsaw design studio, in Poland. The first of the family – Siesta Solemaran – was initially an interesting experiment for personal use. Soon, however, due to big ineterest it caused, it had become a product for sale. It is not a pedalo – it is a completely new and innovative type of a floating unit – call it a water sunlounger, a private island or a water bed. It is unique for its innovative design and high quality workmanship. Designed for two, Siesta Solemaran was introduced to the market in 2013, while 2017 saw Coco, with room enough for 5 people! All our tailor-made units are produced by the best manufacturers in the Mazurian District and therefore we were granted the honour to use the logo of „Product of Warmia & Mazury” by the Marshall of Warmia and Mazury voivodship. We created Siesta and Coco from the very scratch and take care of our products through the whole process which consists of the ‘conceptual design, cooperation with the authors of the final design, through production, promotion, sale and, finally, after sales service.